Ditch the Spreadsheet

Over the past year and a half or so, we’ve shown PubMatch to thousands of people, from self published authors, to midsized publishers, to very well known and influential agencies throughout the world.  We've gotten almost universal praise for the system, but when push comes to shove—particularly in the agent community—there’s been a resistance to new technology.  Apparently, this is a long standing resistance.  I say long standing, because when we query as to what technology the people in question are currently using, the response is almost always, “Microsoft Excel.” Let’s first state for the record that we LOVE Microsoft Excel.  We create internal reports on Excel, we accept Excel spreadsheets as data feeds into PubMatch, we offer Excel as a format to export a catalog to, and we’ll soon be adding an Excel export feature for our members to export their title data from PubMatch.  But for being a management database, Excel falls a bit short. The PubMatch title database—which every user gets automatically by joining PubMatch—give each user the chance to have a fully functional database for not only their rights management, but for their general title management.  Each user’s title database in PubMatch allows the user to manage each title’s tiniest bit of metadata; include sample pages and multiple covers; enter information in several languages; create your own fields; and of course detail your rights information. Perhaps the best part about your PubMatch title database is all of the things you can do with that title information once it’s in the database:  make it available for rights sales, create catalogs, send people sample chapters, edit the titles quickly and easily—and much more. Ok, I lied:  the BEST part about your PubMatch title database is that you can import and Excel spreadsheet of titles directly into PubMatch, pre-populating most of the fields.  There’s really nothing to lose!