Frankfurt Book Fair Happenings

With The Frankfurt Book Fair just around the corner, we wanted to take this opportunity to get excited about all the great things PubMatch has going on at Frankfurt this year! Rights Catalogs Done Easy: Even before you get onsite in Frankfurt, you'll probably be thinking about the rights catalogs you'll need to bring and the follow up you'll have to do. Well, we've been thinking the same way, so we've been working hard to revamp our catalog generation tool! Premium PubMatch members can make as many catalogs as they want right from their PubMatch profile, and now they can... Read More

Introducing The PubMatch Bookshelf!

We are very excited to announce that we're partnering with The London Book Fair in launching an official exhibit at the 2014 LBF called The PubMatch Bookshelf!  Formerly The New Title Showcase, the PubMatch Bookshelf is an exhibit for publishers and authors to display their books at the fair, making them available to be seen by the entire audience at LBF who are all interested in rights!  Each print book will be displayed face out, with ebooks being displayed on large monitors.  Information for each title will be housed in the exhibit's catalog, along with each company or author's contact... Read More

New Partnership with Alliance of Independent Authors

We are very excited to announce that we've partnered with the Alliance of Independent Authors from the UK to make PubMatch available to their members! ALLi as they're known has developed a reputation as a great resource for authors who have published and who want to publish, and PubMatch is a natural fit for their members. We first met ALLi a the recent BookExpo America, and discussed all of the synergies we could forge together, and I think it's fair to say this is just the start. We look forward to a great relationship with ALLi's authors and their entire... Read More

New Venture for PubMatch

This past BookExpo America was exciting for PubMatch for countless reasons (and some that you'll see integrated into the PubMatch system in coming months—hush hush kind of stuff), but one of them was the announcement and launch of a new venture with whom PubMatch is partnering: BookWorks—The Self Publishers Association! BookWorks, founded by former William Morrow Editor-in-Chief Betty Sargent, includes a wealth of information for current and hopeful self-published authors, like vetted resources (like editors, designers, self publishing companies and loads more), its own bookshop for authors to sell their titles from, an incredibly informative blog, and great networking/educational opportunities.... Read More